Maths at Harris
At Harris Primary School, we believe that mathematics is a fundamental life skill. It is integral to all aspects of life and with this in mind we endeavour to ensure that children at Harris develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them. We inspire all of our children to be fluent mathematicians, who can reason mathematically and apply their understanding of maths in order to solve a range of different problems. We follow a ‘mastery’ approach to the teaching of mathematics, promoting a ‘can do’ attitude for all children. All our pupils are encouraged by the belief that, by working hard in maths, they will then ultimately succeed!
The principles of Harris Primary School for Mathematics are:
• policy and provision are evaluated and reviewed regularly.
• resources of time, people and equipment are planned, budgeted for and detailed when appropriate in the SDP.
• the governing body of Harris Primary School are well informed about and oversee the provision of Mathematics throughout the school
• cross curricular links will be highlighted where appropriate
• planning of Mathematics ensures continuity and progression across all year groups and key stages
What is Red Rose Maths?
The Red Rose Mastery scheme, which is used in Year 1 to Year 6, follows a 'mastery approach' to the teaching and learning of mathematics at Harris Primary School. This approach rejects the idea that a large portion of people 'just can't do maths' (NCETM, 2016). Instead, it focuses on the idea that pupils can achieve depth in their learning, which can be accomplished by using key principles. The Red Rose Mastery scheme has a multi-layered approach to the teaching of maths, focusing on elements of effective maths teaching, which are supported in both the National Curriculum and OFSTED Inspection Framework. These elements include:
Representation and Structure
Mathematical Thinking
What is Mastering Number?
At Harris Primary School, we will also be following the NCETM ‘Mastering Number’ intervention programme for all pupils in Reception to Year 2.
The role and purpose of this programme is to allow all of our children to develop a good number sense and to allow them to have automaticity in additive facts.

Please see below for links to documents and policies which support our vision of the teaching of mathematics throughout the school.
How can I help my child at home with their maths?
There are many different resources available to support mathematics for free on the internet, below are just a few ideas for you to look at. Children all have individual login details for Times Table Rock Stars, Numbots and IXL. Please ask the class teacher if you unsure of these and we will let you know what they are as soon as possible.